

Email FAQs
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions by faculty and staff about their existing email and Webmail accounts:
Q. What email clients will be fully supported? click
  • Microsoft Outlook 2010 and up for PC and Microsoft Outlook 2011 and up for Mac clients will be supported by OIT.
Q. What is my username and password? click
  • Your username and email address does not change. Use the same credentials that you used to login your Pelican account. However, if your password doesn’t work use the Password Reset
Q. How do I access email from the web? click
Q. How much space will be provided to Faculty and Staff? click
  • Each mailbox will have a 3 GB limit, however, we will provide automatic archiving for old email to ensure that your mailbox does not go over quota.
Q. What are the differences between Outlook Web App (OWA) and Outlook? click
  • The Outlook desktop application offers features not available in most email systems. These features are specific to Outlook, which is why many choose to use it as their desktop client. Below are some feature differences between the Outlook Web App and Outlook.
  • Features on Webmail:


    Supported in OWA

    Supported in Outlook

    View and Send messages Yes Yes
    Message Editing Tools Basic Advanced (Similar to Word)
    Notes No No
    Calendar View, edit, and print Extra Features Included
    Share Calendar Yes Yes
    .pst file support No Yes